关于「 cardex」的内容列表

Abstract: The Cardex hack was caused by the team accidentally exposing the private keys of the session signers, causing about $400,000 in losses

According to the official report of the two-layer network Abstract, its ecosystem application Cardex suffered a security bugs attack. The cause of the incident was that the Cardex team accidentally exposed the private key of the session signer on the front end of its website after completing a preliminary security audit. The vulnerability allowed the attacker to initiate transactions on any wallet that had authorized the session key, causing about $400,000 in token losses. Abstract said that the...

2025-02-19 01:57:32

据二层网络Abstract的官方报告,其生态应用Cardex遭遇安全漏洞攻击。事故起因是Cardex团队在完成初步安全审计后,意外在其网站前端暴露了会话签名者的私钥。该漏洞导致攻击者能够对任何已授权会话密钥的钱包发起交易,造成约40万美元的代币损失。 Abstract方面表示,此次漏洞仅限于第三方应用Cardex,并未影响Abstract全球钱包(AGW)或Abstract网络本身。...

2025-02-19 01:57:32

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